Monday, December 22, 2008

Word of the Day

From's "Word of the Day:"

laggard \LAG-erd\, adjective, noun:
1. a person or thing that moves too slowly or falls behind
1. falling behind; slow

Yep, that describes me today. I sat on the couch and did almost nothing all day long. Technically, I'm not falling behind because I have nothing that needs accomplishing, but I would definitely say that not showering or getting ready for my day until 4:00pm counts as moving too slowly. I watched some quality daytime television, ate leftovers for lunch, made myself some coffee around 2:00, and showered at 4. So now that it's 6:00 I'm ready to start my day...

Good thing there's always tomorrow to accomplish all the things I didn't manage to accomplish today (a few last minute Christmas things, the gym, and some serious present wrapping)!

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