Sunday, December 16, 2007

One down...four to go...

I am officially done with my first semester of nursing school! My grades were decent...depending on who you ask (two A's and two B's). And now I have three weeks to let my brain rot before I need to use it again (just kidding dad, I'm not really going to let that happen).

In addition to finals, I spent this past week collecting on a number of birthday dinners...I'm up to five, and I still have a few more to go. One of them is waiting for me in California (thanks Lisa!) I just have to find a way to get down there!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

How did this happen?

I can't believe that today I am a quarter of a century old! What happened to the last 25 years? Surely I'm only 18 or 19...right? Unfortunately I will not be having a huge celebration today. Instead, I will be studying for my Pathophysiology final. I am pretty sure that this is birthday #5 that I will spend studying not celebrating. Thanks mom and dad for having me in the middle of finals week!

Speaking of school, I am almost done with my first semester. Tomorrow will be my last final and then I will be free for three and a half weeks! Next semester I will be starting clinicals. The first three weeks we will spend in a long-term care facility, where we will only have one patient. Then for the rest of the semester, we will be in acute care (I'm not sure exactly where yet).

Let's see...other than that, not much is new. The weather here sucks. It is currently 33 degrees and pouring rain, so I probably won't be skiing any time soon. There has been snow in the forecast for at least 4 out of the last 5 days, but we have yet to see any of that...