Although I haven't been following the story very closely, what I have read makes me angry. No, not angry, I think I might be flat out disgusted. How dare the President of the United States want to speak to children about staying in school. Blasphemy! I think the Anchorage Daily News said it best (which is actually quite surprising considering that they pretty much never say anything best...or anything at all for that matter), "fear of Obama's school speech testifies to the need to stay in school and learn critical thinking." YES! If you can't send your child to school with the confidence that they will practice a little bit of critical thinking...then perhaps you should do some critical thinking about your parenting. I know I'm not a parent and therefore I really have no idea how these things work, but based on my own experiences being parented along with those of my close friends...I don't feel like expecting your children to think about things before they incorporate them into their worldview is particularly far-fetched.
It makes me so angry that closed-minded parents are teaching their children to be close-minded. Please, send your child to school, let them hear what the President has to say (oh here's an idea...listen to his speech yourself so you know what they heard), and then when they come home talk to them about it. Use it as a learning experience, as an opportunity to find out how they use the morals and values you have filled them with to process information. If you don't like what they took away from it 1. deal with it, they are obviously smart enough to think for themselves 2. agree to disagree or 3. help them to understand why you don't like what was said.
End rant.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
1 comment:
I had to sign a piece of paper allowing my 12 year old to listen to his speech. I wrote in LARGE and ugly letters, "I DO GIVE PERMISSION FOR MY CHILD, AND ANY OTHER AMERICAN CHILD TO LISTEN TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES..." Even if I don't necessarily agree with him, he IS still our president.
So, then I found out he was given the sex talk at school. At age 12. I'm sorry, but when I was 12, I only knew that sex meant that I was a female and my friends who were guys were males. I had a hissy fit. I LARGE one. Why is it OK to ask permission for kids to listen to the president, but not ok to ask for permission to talk about SEX WITH 12 year olds??? So, 12 year old is confused and won't allow girls to come over, or spend the night, or anything. Which he did last week. I hate middle school.
Or maybe I just hate stupid people, I don't know. :)
Anyway, nice rant. :) hehe.
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