Saturday, August 08, 2009

motivational black hole

I'm not having any trouble filling up all this free time I have. I am having a hard time filling it up with "productive" things. I use the term productive loosely because that's not really what I mean. I haven't exercised in almost two weeks. What?! I like exercise and I feel better (and sleep better) when I do it. But for some reason I can't make myself go do it...apparently I'd rather spend hours on my computer discovering new and useless things on the internet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So funny because I just got back from Ohio and one of the first things Sam's mom asked me was "Did Martha get the job?" and I told her how you got your dream job and just had to wait for it now. And I was sure you had no trouble filling your spare time between now and then... with what, I didn't specify...