Dear People Who Smoke In Their Cars -
I respect your right to do whatever the hell you want. BUT if you don't want smoke in your car...chances are that I probably don't either. Hanging your cigarette out your window at the red light causes MY car to fill with the smoke you do not want in yours.
Thank you for your time (even though I know you do not care),
Dear Man on "Millionare Matchmaker" Who's 48 and Refuses to Date Anyone Over 28,
GROSS! You keep saying you want to settle down and have kids. But you're 48, you have to find a girl who is pretty much ready to get married and have kids...yesterday. Any girl who lives in LA between the ages of 26 and 28 who has those aspirations...probably already married, and probably already has kids. Maybe you should have thought about that 20 years ago instead of being so wrapped up in making millions. Also, stop being so picky and sabotaging all your dates.
That is all,
A grossed out 20-something
Dear Leg Muscles,
Why do you continue to be so weak? I lung and squat and run and you hurt every time I do it! What the heck?
Dear Daytime Television,
Stop sucking.
- An Unemployed Couch Potato
Dear Facebook,
Please stop giving me an excuse to sit on the couch and watch TV. Do I really need to be that connected.
Dear Job,
Please start sooner than Sept. 14. I need you.
-A girl who is tired of owing people money
Dear Dinner,
Please cook yourself tonight.
Thank you.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
Dear Martha,
I miss you!
Love, Allison
Aahah! I love the one about the guy on Millionaire Matchmaker. I thought the same thing!!!
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