We got up early Tuesday morning, battled road construction, lack of coffee, and motor homes on our drive to Cooper Landing. We parked at the Russian River Campground ($11 for 12 hours), which turned out to be extremely convenient. There is a bank preservation project in place, so there is a boardwalk running most of the length of the river. The trail was just down the hill from the parking lot, and we found a spot to fish less than a 10 minute walk from where we parked.
Now, I haven't been fishing since I was maybe 10. And even that was probably with a stick and some fishing line in the creek at Chickaloon. This fishing was very different. Not to discount John's outdoorsman knowledge, but he went fishing a few times last year and caught nothing. Needless to say, we were quite the pair. Everyone around us was catching fish left and right, we caught nothing. The fish were swiming up the river in front of us by the hundreds, and we still caught nothing.
We thought maybe we should try a new spot, so we walked toward the confluence of the Kenai River and the Russian, this is what we found there...
After a few more degrading hours we decided to call it quits for the day. The most exciting thing that happened was we saw a bear, a black bear thank goodness. At first look, this bear does not appear to be terribly ferocious, but it was. It made a little kid cry by doing nothing other than walking up and down the opposite bank. It apparently didn't think the fishing was very good either because it disappeared without so much as a nibble.
The good news is that our accomodations we much more luxurious on Tuesday night. John got us a room at the Kenai Princess Lodge in Cooper Landing. Day two was much better. After a little coaching from some very nice men who were catching fish left and right, John started catching fish...FINALLY. I caught nothing...and then my pole broke (I'm pretty sure it was close to the same age as me, I was borrowing it from my dad).
First there was one fish...
Then there were three...
Hooray, five fish!!!
And for your viewing pleasure...a video of John killing the first fish...
We got rained on and hailed on and after five fish we were done. At first we were disappointed that there were only five fish, but after we had to carry them back to the car and then gut, fillet, and vacuum pack them, we were glad there were only five.
1 comment:
Oh you have no idea what it does my heart (and taste buds) to see those fish!!!! My dad and I used to fish RIGHT where the busy picture is taken...and I miss it soooo much! I can't wait to show my mom these pictures, I'm sure it will make her miss it just as much. When you get REALLY good at fishing and have lots extra you can ship me some! ;0) ha ha (I might kill for some blackened Red Salmon from AK!)
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